Hey, look at this store!
There's movies galore!
We've seen 'em a thousand times over before
And that's why our brains don't work anymore!"- The Animaniacs

Welcome to Matthew Griffith Cinematography. I am an obsessive cinema fan, I have been a filmmaker for 10 years. Here I will keep you up to date on what I am doing in the film buz. I want to share/ Convert you too/ shove down your throat all of the things that Inspire me/drive me/ frustrate me/thrill me about Cinema. Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

EVA's "Ashes" Behind the Scenes.

I know that it has been a LOOOOOONGG time since I have posted anything here. I promise I have been hard at work. Here is a little taste of what i've been up to. Enjoy!

 P.S. more to come....no really